Synergy Key to Expo Success

Prologue: The millennium is the century of collaboration. None of the institutions move alone in completing their tasks, but all of them move in synergy and go hand in hand with one another. In traditional Indonesian society, the culture of collaboration thrives. One form of synergy in traditional societies is called “Gotong Royong”, namely mutual...

Busan: The Optimum Host for the World EXPO 2030

Co-hosted by The Kookje Daily News and Asia Journalist Association, the World EXPO 2030 Busan Forum will be held in Busan on November 8 2022 under the theme of "Asian Great Transformation." The Forum was organized to check the preparations for the bid and promote Busan Metropolitan City through media in Asian countries. Foreign journalists...

Intip Persiapan Busan untuk Konser Gratis BTS

Konser gratis BTS tinggal sebentar lagi. Penasaran nih untuk lihat bagaimana persiapan kota Busan sebagai tuan rumah di ajang yang dinantikan jutaan ARMY. Konser bertajuk "Yet To Come in Busan" dilakukan dalam rangka promosi kota Busan untuk World Expo 2030. Tidak hanya menghapus dahaga ARMY di lokasi konser, tetapi ARMY seluruh dunia bisa berjoget dan...